Sunday, April 13, 2008

Frugal commercialization for the industralists

How many electronic mails you send newspaper? Probable lacking you towards outside in a tool of simple, cheap commercialization. To take the opportunity to promote its business to a high market pointed without the cost of a currency of ten cents using its line of the company/signature of the email.

If its line of the company/signature of the email contains only its name and information of contact, lacking you towards it go in the publicity to the containers of the email that have decided on the communications of you.

This people are member keys of her officious network of the commercialization. It is her perspective, clients, contacts of the press and the colleagues and their line of the company/signature are the perfect, discreet space for one thrown promotional unique one.

To try these tactics to give return to its “aims of connection” in sales:

Ø of what its company offers.

Ø of the incentive for the taken containers specified measures.

Ø of the associated direction of the fabric for the incentive, if it is also in its site.

Ø gives to one better visual positioning to the promotion something that the Info.

Ø of with the showy sources and the colors.

Ø of less than the 64 characters/line so that the words do not surround to new line.

Ø writes a “company/signature” for diverse categories of containers.

Ø of its copy of the company/signature frequently.

Ø never lacks an occasion to obtain to its product or noticed company.

Another thing that many industralists do not think around is the letters that they send. They simply accept like solving them to a problem or answer of a necessity, when you can transfer the idea of the email in each piece of mail that you generate.

In the paper with letterhead of the company to simply add a line in the part inferior of page 1. It could be a “line of label” of classes composed of a motto that the “trade names” its services or business. To try to raise with something unique so that whenever it has heard the perspective thinks about you.

The examples of this would be, “good to the passed drop,” which by all means it is coffee of Maxwell House. “Good Finger,” that it is chicken of KFC, and so on. You secure the message than I am saying. To play around with this until you raise with a Rep the one that is solely you.

If its business/service is not lent to this idea, later center in the increase of its credibility using a line of label of the “quality of member”. For example an undertaker would be less than of good taste to use the line, “our clients are dying to visit to us; ” THEY COULD ONLY use the line “member of industralists of funeral pomps Assoc. of America” in the foot of its paper with letterhead. This establishes immediate credibility in the mind of the container, even if the letter that received was a letter of the publicity of direct mail.

When you are industralist in today market you must be inventive and creative buck to the “great boys” in the block. I suggest each industralist read on the P.T life. Barnum to secure one better understanding of a great true industralist.

It is not always the all-powerful dollar that secures the best publicity for our business; it is the best IDEA than it does that you stand out in the crowd.

History of the credit to construction

The construction of its history of credit is important in time of today, especially since the laws are changing. We are moving to a system that is making us difficult to secure next unless we have excellent, or at the most the good history of credit.

To credit is important to rent, to obtain loans of the student, and to ask for the loans or the credit cards, as well as to obtain to works and especially the industralists who want their own business. Nowadays if you do not have of the important credit card, is almost impossible to make purchases in some areas.

maÌ  n credit only takes to the frustration and to the headaches that we want to avoid. If you have bad you count in his report of credit, clearing takes seven years long before the credit and ten years so that the bankruptcies are cleared of their archives. Therefore, if you want to save some headaches is hour to obtain begun to construct his history of credit.

In order to do this you must watch constant of the activities in his report of credit. In order to obtain copies of their contact of the report of the three credit B' S. TransUnion, Equifax and Experian have bought up to date copies of their information. In order to discover more information to in line go to secure the information it needed to secure his copies. After you the revision, its information of credit makes sure that there are not false demands against you in the report before you come to clarify his accounts. If you warning, some false demands make sure to immediately file a conflict with each Office of Credit. They protect to him under law and is the obligations of the Offices of Credit to investigate the demands and to clarify any misfortune.

After his they have clarified any allegation done against you, its following step is striking down the accounts in its report of credit. It is hour to save the money, and begins to construct a credit history. The credit to construction is essential for its future survival. You can be that she wants to begin asking for a personal loan or of the credit card. If they reject to him, to ask Co-shows of the member or the friend of family with you to secure the loan or of the credit card. To make sure that its member or friend of family it has established credit and its history is not delinquent.

Once you obtain to the card or the loan, to make sure of him meeting the facilities of every month. If lacking you any payments the cosigners are responsible to take the picture do not make enemies, they pay to his debts the time. After near six months to use his of the credit card or to pay in the loan you have notoriety and able to ask for cards or loans of credit in his own name.

After near a year, you will have constructed his credit if you continue east procedure and can then ask for a loan of homemade mortgage or loan of car. He depends on his rent and age in which the moneylenders of the bank investigate their case to determine if you describe for a loan. Therefore, if you consist of his years '40 and as soon as to secure to begun credit to construction his uses they will last for the consideration. Begun obtaining early is the trick to construct a history of stable credit. Now if you cause that a credit history already you want to maintain payments to avoid complications.

Once you settle down a bad history of credit, he is harder to return again in his feet. The best solution to maintain, to construct, or to restore credit history is to keep a near system of monitoring in its financial tongue-pieces. To remember, credit history is important for its future and each judges to him nowadays by its credit.

Dissipation of 8 false ideas of the organization

Some people were to have organized cream and then there are those of us who fight with the organization of every year in this time. It seems that it is always at the end of the year when that small annoying insect begins to give him pequen@o codazo to the clear things for above and begins the organized New Year.

Well, I have read hardly on all directions, the books, and the beneficial hints on obtaining organized (in fact, I am thinking about the writing a same one), and must say to him that there are some false ideas that they are fomented by each gurú of organization. It will be my pleasure to give the “skinny one him” in that in today column.

Here they are the 8 false ideas that we can reject:

  1. Paper of the handle once. This is not only impossible, but in the majority of the cases he is little realistic. Instead of to handle the paper once, to be able in the habit to do something with each piece of paper to move it advanced it. If you secure to a certain information on a next seminary/a professional fair, for example, to decide if you take care of or no. If you must then take care of to observe the date in his calendar and to sign for above. If no, then to shake the information immediately. If you want to hope to sign for above, later to make a note in his planner to respond long before the term and to file the paper in his file of the “mess”.
  2. To always maintain the papers stored outside view: Some of us better work when its writing-desk is clear, whereas others feel choked if they are not surrounded by the piled up ones of paper. If you are “outside view - outside a type of the mind”, papers of the subsistence you often use close in archives or the compartments of the accumulation. They will be accessible, will not hinder its writing-desk yet. When working in a project, extension towards outside that the papers were related to her, and when they make him put them of side together in a place.
  3. Each is due to organize to the same degree. Diverse people work differently. Not to feel that you must work equal who some other. To find an organization level comfortable, and to realize the changes necessary to maintain that level. Drawing generally that line when I am looking for something and I cannot find it; that one is when I know that the things need to obtain reorganized.
  4. Soon we will be a society “without paper”. You do not create it. The experts have been saying that per years, and we will not be without paper during long time. It is not the technology that is the problem, he is the human nature that is the culprit. We are creatures of the habit and used to see things in the impression something that in a computer screen. The youngest generation now is training in the computers in an early age, so when they assemble by hand of work, the society “without paper” will have one better occasion to make a reality.
  5. A planning system must fit each. When they are used correctly, the daily planners are an ideal way to remain organized. To have present, nevertheless, some for to many design them users. When buying to a planner, he is on paper or electronic, determining what you wanted that you do and who she chose a system therefore. If you cannot find one to adapt to his system, to design his the own ones based on his individual needs.
  6. You must be born organized to be organized. We learn good and bad habits in an early age.  n is possible to change any maÌ habit, including disorganization. The young people rose sometimes in an organized rebel of the atmosphere like the adults by disorganization. The opposite is also truth, but neither one nor the other is carved in stone and the behavior can be modified.
  7. You MUST use a list of the “mess”. The daily planning is not realistic for each. Somebody can do the same task every week, but others find their plans daily changing. To consider its necessity particular, later to plan by the day or the week.
  8. Average being organized that is a perfectionist. A perfectionist can spend time in the insignificant details whereas it neglects the great picture. When others quickly finish to a project and the time, the perfectionist continues working until the project is perfect. A perfectionist becomes more effective when it lowers his standards slightly and concentrates in ways to increase productivity.

The deception, when it is taken seriously, can prevent to him to do what you want. The next time that you hear to one of those “gurúes of organization” which they marry one of the aforesaid false ideas, consider his value and work of developing his own style of the organization.

The good girls do not obtain the offices of the corner

Are you courteous, working, helpful worker? , I finish well learning that the being a “good girl” can be a bad thing when comes to its race and personal finances.

In a recent meeting of the breakfast of the national association of the executives of feminine sex that (NAFE) I heard char it of the Dr. Lois Frankel, author “Nize girls does not obtain the office of the corner: 101 unconscious women of the errors make that sabotage their races…”, that removed to collation some good points.

One of the things that Frankel said was that the women must understand and play by the rules. She affirmed that the hard work does not obtain to him next - it allows him to keep his work. The women must begin to think strategist and to begin to promote itself like equipment players.

Another point done was that the women must learn “handle for above.” People complaint of which the reason that somebody is obtaining next is that the head has taste of them, and are truth. You do not have to flatter his head or to agree yet that they say, but you want to let know them that you are trusting to his success. Then his head will be trusting his.

Another lacking thing of the women we are constructing relations of 360 degrees. To pass a part of its time in the work that consolidates sincere relations in All the levels. Nobody obtains next for being tied to its writing-desk all day. In place to spend 15 minutes to the day in the occasional conversation with the fellow workers and to construct the connections.

Stranger as it seems, from women to feel that they are released of the previous stereotypes, you must pay the dressed attention “stops to mantra of the success”. A 50% plenty of their credibility are based on how you watch, and how you get dressed. Another 40% are based on how you sound, so it is not being false or false to put his better foot ahead - it is strategic.

Now for all women hear you them moan after the passed point, I is felt sorry of you. Like industralist, one

of my favorite allowances it does not have to put pantyhose daily - but that does not mean that you can work around in pj or that sweats anyone. You can present/display very presentable, serious, credible one, impression with a tidy game of panties - even with the shoes of the under-heel. To add a maintained haircut and a good style, and even minimum maquillaje and elegant jewelry shop that you can seem as elegant as any executive of the office.

There is also something of the note for my masculine readers, if you have kept with me this distant one in the column. The women must pay the attention, also, to the impressive statistics that I am on the verge of revealing. We do not fall slept in the switch, ladies!

A figure that each must watch is:

The women fill except the one of 15% of seats of the congress. Between our 100 senators, only 14 are women and we carried out only 15% of the seats in the House of Representatives. The result is, we do not have almost any opinion in Washington in millares of decisions that control our businesses, families, and lives. That means that 85% of the people who form our lives they are men.

In a while in which the women explain more than half of the population of the nation, why we do not have major representation in congress? The women have not yielded surely with knowledge our important decisions to the men. Fodder that exists this imposing injustice because people do not know to envelope she.

Why we needed to more women in office? Because the politicians of the women have a file to introduce and to push applications the interest the women and the families. An example of this, in 1990, the women in congress realized that the national institute of the health only lead the investigation of the cardiac disease on men. The women so of the congress requested an investigation of the diagonal of sort in the medical research and catalyzed the initiative of the health of the women to study the cardiac disease of the women, the cancer of chest, and the osteoporosis. Now we know that cardiac disease is marked different in women, and with this effort they saved many of our own lives and the loved ones.

Granted there are many reasons for which the women do not work for the office: little financing, responsibilities of the family, and a system of the concern that people of the favors in the office (generally men). But there is a reason that we can change! The women, desemejante of men, hope to be requested to work. The ladies, are hour to stop hoping! To begin the operation!

More women in congress could help us to close the wage opening that still exists, and they do not tease that it does not do it. The recent investigation by NAFE demonstrates that the men win annually, in average, $10,000-extra more than women in exactly the same works. If you cannot work yourself, later to offer to work in the campaign of a woman who works in his districto and to help his triumph.

The women do not have to continue being the quiet majority! We do this year to the best year for the women.